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Turn, Turn, Turn

This entry is a little late, but technically it is still September!

I don't think I've used a song from the 60s before and I'm shocked because I love so much of the music from that decade! My mom's favorite genres were 60s, 80s/90s country and hip hop - what a mix huh? When I first got a car with SiriusXM in 2015 she mapped 60s on 6 to the favorites and we would often listen during our aimless drives. I'm on my third car since then, and I got this one after she passed, but I still have 60s on 6 mapped to the presets and tune in often! “Turn, Turn, Turn” is from The Byrds and everyone knows it as a the seasons song -

To everything turn, turn, turn

There is a season turn, turn, turn

And a time to every purpose

Under heaven

A time to build up

A time to break down

A time to dance, a time to mourn

A time to cast away stones

A time to gather stones together

To everything turn, turn, turn

There is a season turn, turn, turn

And a time to every purpose

Under heaven

I love September - it feels like a time for renewal. Back to school, back to establishing new routines, getting excited for the best season (autumn of course!) - let’s go! Over the last few weeks I’ve gotten back into healthy eating and cooking / meal planning - it’s amazing how much better I feel when I have a plan. Even if it's just a bunch of healthy snacks I can grab from the fridge (apples, celery with PB, berries) - I'm shocked at what a difference it makes in my mood throughout the day. With this I've also gotten back to exercise and bought a water rower (it arrives Wednesday and I'm really excited!) - in case you're British like my dear boss and have no idea WTF I'm talking about (when I said water rower he asked if I meant canoe) this is the one I got.

I'm also starting what I've dubbed to my friend Kirstin “the season of Sam” -

  • In my professional life I signed up to be a mentor to a junior project manager from Boston and I'm really excited to hone my listening / mentoring skills!

    • I'm also involved in a super exciting project at work where I have the autonomy to build out a team and the processes / workflows we’ll be using. I've wanted this for so long and tried to force it so many times before that I honestly had given up - then new leadership came in and POOF - game on. Isn't it funny how the universe delivers what you're ready for at the perfect time?

  • In my personal life I am so excited to say my book is officially published!! Paperback or Kindle. I shed happy tears the first time I saw my very own Amazon link! Woo!! My mom would be SO proud.

  • After much deliberation and about 56 false starts I decided to renovate my parents house, adding an in-law for my dad, pimping out the basement with a workout room/living room etc., adding a garage with a dedicated office space and creating an amazing open concept kitchen / dining room my mom always dreamed about. It might be unconventional but for our family multi-generational living works. I used to worry that when the time came and I found my person he might not be on board with how close we are - now I know that if he isn't…he's not my person. I've been making collages full of inspiration while I do the boring tasks like hiring a site surveyor and an architect. Also in case you were curious, I totally have a project plan for this renovation - just like I had one for my book! As I've shared before, the only things you can't project manage are love and grief.

So with all these exciting (and a little scary) opportunities comes a new evolution of Sam. I’m ready (I think) and I will embrace the changes and challenges as we turn, turn, turn….

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